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Thursday, July 28, 2011


Convoluted pondering,
optimal with mud
attentively ugly
choppy reflections
shallow and serene
solitary tear
through the slime.
©lkv 2011

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Mirror

Meaningless cracks
brightly colourless,
buried crevices
unfortunately common,
deeply caked
always capricious
ultimately cold.
©lkv 2011

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The writing plea

Whimsical visions,
devilishly fragile
elaborate and dark;
emotionless expressions,
cry and dance
artistically sullen,
strident and jagged.
©lkv 2011

Working daze

Uninspired ignorance in
engaging concrete,
regurgitated neglect with
the desperately docile;
tragically creative leads
to collapsing subversively
in divergent bliss.
©lkv 2011